Society is dominated by the market
A few decades ago, big shopkeepers would have seated an elderly man outside the hut, shouting at passers-by to see / buy things. Now we don't have to go to the market to see the diversity of products, buy and pay for them but the market is gesturing to us through our mobile screen.
In the last 50 years or so, the world has changed dramatically. With this rapid change, where the market has expanded, distances from human nature have begun to grow. The reason for many of our problems, sorrows, troubles, diseases and environmental degradations today is that we have stopped respecting nature. Mankind's greed has plundered natural resources more than it has in the last fifty years. Following the boundless lust for profit, the market has piled up stockpiles of essential and non-essential commodities. In the thirtieth world of things, great tricks were devised to engage man. Psychology was used to create class needs. What is not needed is the help of advertising to create the need. A great business of advertising companies came into being. New means of publishing and broadcasting advertising were discovered. As a result of the rapid expansion of the market, human beings started living for commodities. Relationships fell behind and became her top priority. While the production of goods and its waste has polluted the rivers and streams of the earth and increased the piles of garbage in the cities, man has become more mentally and physically ill and suffering from disorders than ever before.
In ancient times, when money was not in circulation, commodities were exchanged. The introduction of copper, gold, and silver coins for the exchange of goods was one of the most dramatic changes in the history of the world. After this, online shopping of goods is the next and biggest historical step that is now rapidly affecting the world. We have also got the digital form of money. With a smart card, you can take a loan and make purchases anywhere, anytime. Shoppers in large shopping malls are offered free coupons to attract people to shop. Governments, corporates, and businesses around the world are working to make shopping easier. One market is what we walk into and the other market opens from the screen of our mobile phone which is much bigger than the external market. We no longer have to go out to shop and pay. We can buy everything from the bread in our bedroom to the car. We can see the variety of products. When we look at an object, the open market in the screen for many days creates in our minds the attraction of many other similar objects. An online retailer has now become the world's largest retailer, which, of course, has no store of its own, but sells deals from this store in countries around the world. The number of workers working for this shop is in the millions. It is also the largest shopping destination in the world. Of course, online shopping is also prone to deception, but online shopping is on the rise among young people. While this has affected the purchase of traditional shops, the customer can already see the model / rate of the product by visiting the respective site and the old shopkeeper does not want to go for any price. It remains to be seen how and to what extent all this will affect our behavior in the future.
The market has explored thousands of ways to capture the human mind. The market can now sell anything that man has never dreamed of. Because the market has understood human interests. The famous philosopher Schopenhauer says, "The more things we have, the more we will be troubled." The market is expanding, while man is shrinking. Freedom is freedom. The concept of freedom never changes and will not change but the techniques of slavery have not only changed but have become invisible. Man no longer needs to be enslaved for plunder. By capturing his mind he is made a slave of needs and goods. Human civilization is perhaps for the first time at a time when the majority of human beings are reluctant to accept the slavery of other countries, rich people, corporates. As the domination of the market over man has increased, he has begun to agree to mental slavery. The parties that exploit human beings have huge resources. The whole system suffers in their favor.
The influence of the market in the political system is growing rapidly. Political parties no longer present programs for the development of the country, only slogans of development are raised and people are lured to market goods to get votes. Man is seen, bought and sold in the form of votes. Mattresses, chairs, positions also have their own values. What the old people used to call faith, self-esteem has now become a thing of the past. A person with a clear conscience is considered to be a simple person. Crowds gathered in the name of Dharam Karam have come to be seen as votes. The value of heads gathered under religious flags is being devalued. Depending on which leader of the religion has how many heads, he can become a participant in power.
The wonder of the market and technology is that now even wombs are being rented. Money can buy human organs, eyes, kidneys, blood etc. if needed. The market has every need that grows in a human being provided he has money. From door remote controls to weight loss machines, from pens to airplanes, from bread to land, you can do everything from the bed of your home. The abundance of goods has not spared any effort in creating comforts for human beings but in spite of all this human beings are not mentally calm. Suicides are on the rise worldwide. Man is wandering in monasteries, deras, places of worship, comedy clubs etc. to find happiness and prosperity. Mental disorders are on the rise. Surprisingly, in developed countries like the United States, the number of psychopaths and suicides is on the rise. There is no transcendence of human wandering. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. As the dominance of market values is gaining momentum in our minds. In our country, farmers in many states, including Punjab, are committing suicide every day due to the agricultural crisis. There will be many other causes of the agrarian crisis but market domination is the biggest culprit. When the farmer farmed according to his priorities, he was free from debts. When market intervention increased, the cost price of the farmer skyrocketed and the web of debt began to spread which is engulfing the farmer today.
In the past, when a person's needs were limited, he had to buy only a box of salt and oil. Clothing, shoes, and farm implements were all made in the village. Everything to eat and drink was grown in the fields. People living in villages did not see the face of the city for years. Patience in life was contentment. There was more peace than there is today. Wood, firewood, straw, straw and even milk were never sold. These items were exchanged and exchanged accordingly. Even animals were given to others to help them drink / carry milk. At that time, if someone said that water, milk, fuel or straw sell for a price, many people would ask how could this be? As man becomes entangled in the entanglement of things, he also becomes detached from the values of life. The concept of understanding the meaning of life and enjoying it in harmony with nature is becoming negative. Our modern education and theology are not capable of making man aware of this. In order for man to know, understand and enjoy life, he has to be equipped with science and walk in harmony with nature. Without it, there is no choice.
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