Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is an epic space-opera film that is directed by JJ Abrams. It's the 9th film in the popular 'Skywalker Saga' and is also the 3rd film of the Star Wars sequel Trilogy. It's produced by Lucasfilm and Bad Robot Productions and has Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley and others as its star cast.

For starters, Star Wars is a battle between the light side and dark side, for the universe. In simpler terms, it is a Good versus Bad story, set in space with the Jedi Order serving the light side and the Siths serving the dark side. The Rise of Skywalker suffers a minor setback even before it starts because previous films in the series have left a lot of loose threads untied.

The film, therefore, has the responsibility of not just creating an entertaining and engaging plot but also tie all ends together. In addition to this, they've to satisfy the Star Wars fan base that's more of a cult. And here's where the film fails. If this is the first Star Wars film you're watching there is a high chance of you losing track of the proceedings midway into the first half.

There are a lot of dialogue filled portions that pull down the engagement making this installment a tiring watch. One impressive quality of this film is that no matter how weak the plot is, the cinematography and music do a lot to save its skin. The film is superbly shot and the background score is grand, fitting the nature of the film. As far as editing is concerned, the film is a tad longer. The runtime here is close to two and a half hours, whereas a film like Avengers Endgame was 3 hours. Yet the latter managed to hook us because of the editing, and that is what is missing here.

However, the film isn't as bad as it sounds. Daisy Ridley's performance as Rey stands out amongst all other actors and you can watch the film for her delightful acting alone. Once the film reaches the climax, everything becomes rousing. It's almost like reviving someone with a shot of aspirin. Even though the plot is brittle, Abrams does well to satisfy the fans and end the series on a high.

Overall, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is a film strictly for the fans who, despite the closure of all loose ends might find it a bit tiring. Nostalgia is the only redeeming factor. As far as others are concerned, the film struggles to engage you. At the end of the day, the film had too much work to do, and that becomes the root cause of all its problems.

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