Value of time


Value of time

Karanveer was now in 7th class. However, he was very smart but his graph was getting lower day by day due to his studies. Despite repeated requests from his parents, he was able to complete his homework. Often his copies of books were scattered here and there and he spent more time looking for them than reading. He would throw everything in the school bag like this, randomly and when a period started he would still be frolicking with his bag.

Similarly, one day the Punjabi class had started and Karanveer was still carrying his bag. Seeing him doing this, his Punjabi teacher called him and lovingly explained, 'Son Karanveer! Time would have been very precious and you would have lost it just because of your ingenuity. Remember, time also values ​​the one who values ​​time. '

On hearing this, Karanvir felt ashamed for a while, but soon he forgot everything again. The next day was a holiday, and her father was going to the city to get some supplies. Stubbornly, Karanvir also agreed to go with his father. On the way, his father stopped his scooter at a pump to refuel and there was a huge crowd. But while working there, he was doing his job very fast. In his tiny bag, he had neatly arranged all the notes and was immediately returning people's dues. That is why everyone standing there was praising him. '

'Take it! That's why we came here to pour oil. '

Karanveer was watching all this bit by bit. After filling up with petrol, he reached a grocery store in the city. The shopkeeper was handed a list of goods and Karanveer and his father sat on a bench in front of him. According to the shopkeeper's list, as soon as he asked for the goods, the men working there would immediately rush to the counter. Karanveer was stunned to see everything in order in such a long and wide shop. Soon the shopkeeper packed all the goods

 according to the list. Calculate that when Karanveer's father left the shop, understanding Karanveer's gestures, he immediately said, I used to feed jalebis. ' Karanveer is now thinking. On the way back, before his eyes, these two scenes of today were revolving again and again. Suddenly he remembered what his teacher had said, '... time also values ​​the one who values ​​time.'

Coming home, Karanvir first put his copies in place and Manomni vowed to do the same again. Gradually, her reading graph began to rise, and her home and school began to appreciate her.

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