Social Distance (Funny satire)

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Social Distance (Funny satire)

Readers Kovid-19, one of the many solutions to avoid the corona virus, is social distance. It has been dubbed as Social Distance in Firangi language.

Although the ideology of social distance may be new in many developed countries of the world, the practice of social distance has been going on for centuries in our great country. If we look at the history, we can see that the upper castes had a sense of social distance towards the backward castes. They were given houses far from the area, they were asked to fetch water from separate wells.

In India, the British also maintained social distance with the Indians during their rule. Indians were not employed in many high positions and Indians were not allowed to go to many hotels.

When the country became independent, it may have occurred to everyone that now the social distance will end but it is a matter of great pride for us that our leaders and ministers have taken full care of the social distance. During the polls, leaders break social norms and other rules, but the remaining 4 years and 10 months of the year, social distance is fully complied with.

It is a matter of great pride for our countrymen that the industrialists of the country have laundered crores of rupees to the banks and social discrimination has been done with the banks, governments and the people of the country even before they heard the name of Corona virus. They have fled abroad with thousands of crores of rupees in debt and are now adamant about creating social distance. Attempts are being made to break the social distance of one half but God is the protector of the rest.

By the way, social distance is proving to be beneficial in the countries of the world, but in our country, there is a fear of harm caused by it. Our countrymen get 100 in a 50 seater bus, 15 in a 5 seater three-wheeler, 4 in a 2 seater scooter and they stink of each other's sweat, foot odor and lice. They have become so accustomed to exchanging that if they are removed from these habits then surely there can be a movement. As Indians used to meet in hugs and transfer germs to each other, but now in the cycle of social distance, they meet from far and wide as if they have borrowed from each other. Gathering money in the glass cabins or windows of banks, standing in lines for hours and enjoying the scent of each other's sweat is a thing of the past. The scene of standing in lines and trampling on each other's feet has now been turned upside down by social distance.

By imposing fines on spitting during social distances, the people of the country have also been deprived of seeing various types of saliva containing gutkas. Meanwhile, the order to wear a mask on the face has made the snake's mouth look like a leprous lizard. Because of this mask, it is sometimes scary to look at oneself in the mirror. This mask has deprived all the people of the country of the stench of garbage, the stench of stagnant water which is unbearable.

Finally, I would like to request that social distance is nothing new for Indians. But the piles of rubbish on the roads, animal droppings and standing water holes should be added immediately so that all these perfumes reach the nose / mouth through the mask and Indians do not have difficulty in breathing. Joining hands, it is also requested that various types of sweat drops be sprayed by helicopter in villages and towns so that we do not be affected by the changing situation. It is hoped that these requests will be granted.

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