Struggle (English Story)


After five or six years of marriage, Ganpat and his wife Geeta were born a loving baby girl. The child was cared for as if she were a princess.

A ray of this new light came into the house and the whole house became disturbed. That is why Ganpat named the girl Kiran. There was a celebration at home. Ganpat also gave a good party to his friends.

When Ganpat and Geeta would see the child in their arms, play with them and laugh at the little cute lips of the child, this scene is no less a heavenly sight for them.

At the age of three, the girl was admitted to the first grade of a good school. The girl became interested in learning. They were named among the first two or three children in the monthly class test from first grade to third grade.

It was the beginning of December. it was very cold. Occasional rains cause the weather to cool down. The school bus picks up the children from home and leaves them at home during the school holidays. One day it started raining during the school holidays.

However, the bus driver parked the bus right next to his door to avoid flooding. However, some children got out of the bus and went inside the house. Baby Kiran's clothes were not much, but they got wet. Both were shocked to see him. Geeta quickly changed the girl's clothes and went to bed with her in a blanket.

Geeta asks her husband to lie down with the girl so that she can go to the kitchen and make fennel tea for him.

But when Geeta brought the tea, the girl did not like the taste of this tea at all. The elderly neighbor next door suggested that she give him four spoons of banana. Will recover but the girl could not even swallow the first spoon, once she vomited and threw it away. The whole night passed like this. At night, in rain and wind, there is no auto or any other means in their village.

In the morning Ganpat took out his bicycle. After dressing the girl well, warming her, holding Geeta on the back seat of the bicycle, reached the Adivasi Primary Health Center. After a thorough examination, the doctor stated that the girl had pneumonia. His chest was completely blocked and his condition was not very good. We do not have complete patient testing equipment in this primary health center. Not a satisfactory treatment for degenerative cases. Take the girl to Nagpur as soon as possible. Nagpur is one and a half hours away from here. I am talking about Nagpur. The doctor sealed the girl's position and her opinion in an envelope and handed it to Ganpat. Ganpat thanked the doctor and waited for Nagpur by train. Five or seven minutes later, the bus arrived and they had a place to sit in the usual seats.

When the bus was 15–20 km ahead, the main road was completely blocked. Trucks, buses, dumpers, etc. coming and going from both sides were stopped. The line of movement of vehicles was getting longer. No driver wanted to risk removing his vehicle from the road due to excess water and mud on the road.

Whoever comes will ask, "What happened, has there been an accident or an argument or a vehicle has broken down on the road?" e.t.c. The answer is that women are locked behind their rights.

The women were in high spirits.

Geeta used to touch the child's forehead repeatedly. She said in a bewildered tone to her husband, 'Look, the baby's fever is a bit higher than before. "It's all right," Ganpat reassures his wife, "but inside he was shaking himself."

The women who came to the procession were enthusiastic. The procession was arranged by the Tehsildar. The procession was accompanied by five-four policemen.

An educated young man, who was probably in a government job, stayed there and after having diarrhea with the Tehsildar asked what was the real reason behind all this. The tehsildar said that two days ago, a minor tribal girl was raped by four-five boys in Nawada area of ​​our district. The All India Mahila Sangh has started this struggle to make the government and the public the voice of this shameful matter.

The young man advised the Tehsildar to light his rod by telling the police. Even though the police baton does not kill anyone, it is enough to scare women.

The policeman said, "If we can, chase them down in five or seven minutes." When we scold the drivers and start the vehicle, these women lay in front of the vehicles. If we hold a woman's hand and try to force her, the quarrel will break, it becomes a question of human rights violation.

The air was running cold. Ganpat took off the wrap wrapped around his head and placed it on the girl so that she could stay warm. The fever was getting worse.

The girl held her father's hand and asked, 'Daddy, am I going to die now?'

Ganpat was shocked to hear this question from the girl's mouth. He said, 'No son, you'll be fine.'

'Daddy, aren't you lying?'

'Why my child?'

"that's what he said."

Upon arriving at the hospital, Ganpat sent the envelope provided by the Primary Health Center to the local doctor. The girl was admitted.

Ganpat and Geeta were with him. The girl was feeling a bit uncomfortable. The breath was also fast. The nurse was called. He came and asked the girl, "What's the matter, baby?" He said, "Doctor sir (he thought the nurse is a doctor). I don't want to die alone except my father." The nurse said, 'Son, I do not understand. The child's voice began to tremble. 

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