On the day of the lockdown, one day the doorbell rang first and then there was a loud knock on the door. In such a situation, the heart did not want to open the door but a screaming voice forced the door to open. When I came out with my head wrapped around my head, I saw a beggar standing at the door, who was watching over me. 'Oh, Bibi! Let your children live, give them something to eat, may it be good for you, even if it is just a piece of cake. '
I felt pity and even anger, 'No, I'm wandering the streets like this, don't you know about lockdown?' I told him as a warning.
'Bibi! I know, but I don't believe in a talk-town (lockdown), a hungry belly at home, a hungry belly, this lunar belly begs to eat three times. ' He patted his hungry stomach.
Five snacks were left over from breakfast. I put five forks and a bowl of lentils in his bowl.
"Ah, NGOs and government vehicles are distributing dry ration packets. No one has come a little further."
"Come on, Bibi, push people push people like us back, grab the boxes in front of us and even those who consider rations as free goods and deposit rations inside, they need it, as long as people like us It's time to dump her and move on. '
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